Lisa Brisse Life Coach
Lisa has been a wellness heart coach and spiritual teacher for over 20 years. She believes that our health and well-being on all levels—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually—come when we listen to and align ourselves with our heart. Our heart connects us to our soul and through its natural intuitive connection to the creative flow of the universe, it knows the deepest parts of who we are, including our dreams, passions, longing and desires.

Lisa’s Heart Story . . .

Lisa’s passion and steadfast belief in living according to the calling of our heart started many years ago when she was only 20 years old. She was living in central Minnesota but had been dreaming of living in California for several years prior. She recognizes now how her deep depression that she struggled with after high school during that time came from denying the calling of her heart to move to California. In her mind—and for others around her–it just didn’t feel “logical” as there were many reasons why it seemed impossible. First off, she didn’t know anyone in California. She also had no job, no place to live, and no money. Oh yeah, and she also wanted to bring her horse! Crazy, right? She thought so too. So she put California out of her mind until, frankly, she couldn’t bear it anymore. She knew that if she didn’t listen to the yearning of her heart, she would die a spiritual death. That sounds dramatic, but it was true. And it was within that realization that Lisa took the biggest leap of faith in her life. She took out a $2,000 loan (co-signed by her dad), packed her car and headed west into the unknown. She had a dream and believed the only possible way of making it come true was to at least try. She also believed that if God was taking her away from all that she loved in Minnesota—including her family, friends, animals and the beloved lake she grew up on—then there must’ve been more waiting for her down the road.

Lisa BrisseAs it turned out, every aspect of Lisa’s dream—and heart–was fulfilled, including finding a home for her beloved horse, Little Miss, who ended up living out the remaining 27 of her 36 magical years at the same place in the Santa Ynez Valley. A true dream come true!

This profound experience for Lisa changed how she approached everything in her life. It became her reference for what it means to truly listen to one’s heart and to TRUST in it—to trust that it knows what the mind can never know and that it has the truth of who we are. She learned that when we trust in and live from our hearts, we transform our lives on so many levels. And this is what she has witnessed, firsthand, throughout the years with her clients as an exercise physiologist, a HeartMath + Heart Facilitator, as well as through her own spiritual practice of meditation and mindful awareness.

This is why Lisa’s absolute passion is helping others to find the calling of their heart on a day-to-day basis. From the biggest things to the littlest things in our lives, our heart is always guiding us, and learning how to turn in and tune into the heart is the greatest spiritual practice we can do for ourselves.

Lisa’s mission as a coach is to help others find feeling and healing in their hearts. Life still has its challenges no matter what, but listening to and honoring our heart’s intelligence and guidance also opens us to the magic and miracles that are available to us in our lives no matter what challenges we face. We deserve it all! And when we heal our hearts, we heal the world.

If you know there is something more in your life, but you’re not sure what that is, or you want to live with a greater sense of meaning, purpose and peace, Lisa would love to hold the space for you to step into your heart and find more fun, laughter, joy, and inspiration in your life!

Contact Lisa for a FREE 30-minute consult to see if Heart Coaching is right for you!